I am a lactation consultant and have worked in private practice for over 30 years. My background in general & paediatric nursing and midwifery provided the basis of a continuing interest in infant and maternal health. Then my personal interest in breastfeeding my own children led to more formal education in lactation and breastfeeding.

Having gained my original certification as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in 1992, I have worked continually in the field of lactation / breastfeeding support and education since.

I have considerable experience in complex breastfeeding situations of both mother and baby with a special interest in all causes of infant suck anomalies, at-breast feeding line use, milk supply, tongue/lip tie and cleft lip/palate.

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Paediatric Orofacial Myologist
Lactation Consultant, Orofacial Myologist
Maternal Expressions and Mouth of Babes
Provider Member